Wednesday 9 September 2009

I’m Calling Buckingham For UKIP

And which of us would be disappointed?

Despite already having a staff of press officers and media advisors attached to the office of Speaker, John Bercow has decided in his image and profile needs to be raised. No, Mr Bercow, it doesn’t. Your image is irrelevant to your role. I suspect and hope that your constituents agree.

Mr Bercow was one of very few non-Labour MPs involved in flipping, among the most dishonest practices relating to abuse of allowances. He has taken the unprecedented step for a Speaker of appointing a special advisor. That adviser is a former Times journalist, and as the Telegraph puts it “Among his duties will be raising Mr Bercow's personal profile”.

It appears that Mr Hames duties will also include the creation of a "broader external role for the Speaker". The role of speaker is critical to the constitution. It is not for the fatuous Mr Bercow or anyone he appoints to redefine.

Mr Bercow’s vanity has never been well-hidden, but this really takes the piss out of us, along with up to £107,000 per annum plus benefits.

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Barking Spider said...

I have a rather good feeling about this, Richard, and will not be sorry to see the back of that scheming little nonentity, Bercow.

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